Welcome to the Cottage

My name is Nephthys Darkmoon. I first came to Witchcraft at the age of 13 after seeing the movie “The Craft” (yes I know, terribly clichéd) but it resonated with me on a deep level and I felt a connection to that path. Since that time I have slowly learned all I can, trying different methods, different paths and different ideas. I could never quite take to any of the traditions nor did I feel Wicca was for me. Before I became a Witch, I was an Atheist and to that end I feel as though part of that choice is still with me. I have chosen to continue on my spiritual path and eventually I found that Witchcraft suit me, I felt comfortable there. I would call myself a Solitary Eclectic Witch with a strong interest in Green Witchcraft and Dragon Magick.

I love to garden, to grow beautiful flowers and herbs. I am a fan of Fae Folk and as such have started creating a Faery Garden aptly named “Faery Hollow”. I would like to explore Faery Magick and Green Magick more, I feel like there is a path for me to follow but as yet I have not committed myself to the call. I often wander about what it means to be a Witch, how it is simply a part of who I am, it doesn’t define me but it is a part of my life that is as essential as breathing, as eating, as living. It is who I am but not all that I am.


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