Mabon 2010

Well this was the first Sabbat I have ever celebrated and so I tried my hardest to make it special, one I would remember. I wasn’t sure how to go about it, but it all worked out well and it was extra special because my birthday is just a few days after Mabon.

A few days before I set up my own personal altar, it was my first so it was kind of basic, I used 3 candles – red, yellow and orange, oak leaves, pine cones, herb mix, potato vine, gemstones (Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Aventurine, Clear Quartz) sage incense stick and an owl totem. I loved the way it looked though, ultimately it represented how I approach my craft, simple yet interesting.

I also set up a Family Altar on the kitchen bench near to where I was cooking; the Altar was on a simple green cane placemat decorated with a white pillar candle, three smaller candles – again red, orange and yellow, pine cones, oak, sage incense and a bowl of acorns and tomatoes from our yard to represent the harvest.

I made a 3 course dinner for my family, Pumpkin Soup with cornbread (interesting experience making cornbread), Roast Pork with Garlic & Rosemary potatoes and Pumpkin with brown butter and nutmeg, dessert was Apple Crumble with custard. It all went very well and tasted fabulous! Before dinner I also read a wonderful Mabon invocation to my parents.

After dinner I lit my candles and incense and let them burn away, finally before midnight I took a small portion of cornbread and gave it to the earth, a thanks to Gaia for all that had come so far this season and thanks for all that was to come.

All in all not bad for my first Sabbat celebration!

Welcome to the Cottage

My name is Nephthys Darkmoon. I first came to Witchcraft at the age of 13 after seeing the movie “The Craft” (yes I know, terribly clichéd) but it resonated with me on a deep level and I felt a connection to that path. Since that time I have slowly learned all I can, trying different methods, different paths and different ideas. I could never quite take to any of the traditions nor did I feel Wicca was for me. Before I became a Witch, I was an Atheist and to that end I feel as though part of that choice is still with me. I have chosen to continue on my spiritual path and eventually I found that Witchcraft suit me, I felt comfortable there. I would call myself a Solitary Eclectic Witch with a strong interest in Green Witchcraft and Dragon Magick.

I love to garden, to grow beautiful flowers and herbs. I am a fan of Fae Folk and as such have started creating a Faery Garden aptly named “Faery Hollow”. I would like to explore Faery Magick and Green Magick more, I feel like there is a path for me to follow but as yet I have not committed myself to the call. I often wander about what it means to be a Witch, how it is simply a part of who I am, it doesn’t define me but it is a part of my life that is as essential as breathing, as eating, as living. It is who I am but not all that I am.