An altar is a great way to pay tribute to the elements. You could have a single altar with items only devoted to the Elements, or if you have the space, you could have altars devoted to each of the elements in your home. I put together some Elemental Altars to give you an idea of what could be achieved, I didn’t buy anything new or special, I worked with what I had within my own ritual supplies. Once you know what to look for, it becomes surprisingly easy to put together.
To represent Air I have chosen Incense, Crystal Ball and Tarot cards for the intuitive/divination aspect of Air, Lavender, an Air Herb, Feathers and candles in yellow, white and purple, colours associated with the element of Air and the gemstones Amethyst, Sodalite and Aventurine.
To represent Air I have chosen Incense, Crystal Ball and Tarot cards for the intuitive/divination aspect of Air, Lavender, an Air Herb, Feathers and candles in yellow, white and purple, colours associated with the element of Air and the gemstones Amethyst, Sodalite and Aventurine.
To represent Earth I have chosen a green candle, a cow figurine, oak and pine cones from the Earth, Salt, a Pentagram a symbol of earth, quartz crystal and a Venus of Willendorf statue to represent fertility.
For Fire I chose a lantern, Horus – the Egyptian God associated with Fire, Cacti – a fire plant, A Dragon, gemstones of Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye and Bloodstone, my wand and candles in the colours of red, yellow and gold. Also my claddagh ring which is made of gold – a metal associated with Fire.
For Water I chose a bowl of water – the element in its purest form, a chalice, a Dolphin plaque – the majestic creatures of the deep, 2 oyster shells – these could also be used as offering bowls if one chose to, silver, blue and white candles, colours associated with Water and gemstones of amethyst, sodalite and aquamarine.
It is really quite easy to find small things to help represent the elements either on your personal altar, their own special altar or just around the home. For more info read the section on the Elements, it will help give you a basic understanding of the elements and provide a starting point to begin building your own elemental altars.
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