It is nearly April 30th, time to celebrate Samhain. When putting together my altar, I realized this is my first time celebrating this Sabbat so I tried to keep things simple. To start with I added a pumpkin candle – I got them last year at Halloween because I thought they were really neat. I added a red, black and orange candle to the arrangement, as well as dried oak leaves, an owl and bat – 2 totem animals of Samhain, tarot cards and a pendulum to represent the veil between worlds, honouring divination as an aspect of this holiday.
I also added Obsidian, Onyx and Carnelian, gemstones for protection, clearing negativity and strength. Lastly I added a figurine of Bast, cats are another totem animal of Samhain, mostly because of the imagery given of a Witch and her cat, I think it is nice to honour that and celebrate the stereotype in a positive and personal way.

Below is the Family Altar. Even though my parents are not Pagan, they appreciate and respect my beliefs. Each Sabbat I cook a three course meal for my entire family, and this year my Stepfather read the Samhain invocation before we ate, it was really nice and meant a lot.
I decorated it with a white pillar candle, smaller red and black candles, a pumpkin candle (I love the symbolism of it), there was also my besom, a cat in a Witches Hat (again, another ode to the history of this holiday), there were Oak leaves, Myrrh incense, my Cauldron and a Crystal Ball. All in all I think it looks great and has a really natural symbolic feel to it.
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