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My Altar
Above is a picture of my altar, as you can see I haven’t really paid any mind to the rules of setting up an altar. I do have the candles representing feminine and masculine in the right spot but otherwise I placed things where they suited me. Like my athame being in the south, I like it there, as well as my cauldron being in the North and my crystal ball right beside it. My little Dragon also sits to the North which I guess is proper, but my censer is in the centre, my bell is south west, I don’t have my chalice on there, nor my BOS, but I pretty much placed all the other stuff there. My besom lies beside my altar but as yet I haven’t decided where to put it. I don’t have an altar cloth, the Celtic Pentagram tile that everything is sitting on was a gift from my parents, handcrafted by my stepdad, so this makes it extra special.
My altar isn’t book perfect but I have to say it is a representation of me and my practices.
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